Dr. Eric is my friend from Louisville. He is a brilliant chiropractor and teaches anatomy and physiology at the Louisville School of Massage.
I call him "The Encyclopedia". If there is ANYTHING you want to know about the body, he's the guy to ask. But be ready for a 20-minute lecture on the subject! ;-) According to Dr. E, this works best when you're first coming down with flu! Go to any health food store and get Oscillococcinum, a homeopathic remedy by Boiron/Bourneman for flu. Take a whole vial 30 minutes before or after eating. Then 4x per day, just fill the small cap on one vial and take that. Also, get some grapefruit seed extract--"GSE" (he recommends the Nutribiotic brand) and take 30 drops in juice 4x per day. The stuff is really, really bitter, but you don't taste it so much in grapefruit or orange juice. You can take it with or without food. You will be over the flu in 2 days at the most! Also be sure to drink loads of water, like 3 quarts per day. GSE is antimicrobial...it will kill viruses, bacteria and fungi. You can put 100 drops in a spray bottle with water to sanitize countertops, etc. Unless you take cholesterol lowering medication, it is perfectly safe to take at all ages - even infants! [Dr. Eric "The Encyclopedia" Epstein: 1.502.894.0804 ... He knows A LOT!]
Nancy's Blog!
October 2021