I have been seeing more and more clients who have full-face acne. When I inquire about their diets, they all say how much they LOVE milk and dairy products.
After reading about milk and acne when I was researching the vegan diet (Alicia Silverstone's book "The Kind Diet"), I sort of let that information slip by me as my diet became no longer pure vegan. But now I'm back to reading about the link between milk and acne. I wanted to post this link as it is an easy to read and understand article about how getting dairy out of your system for several months CAN clear up your acne. http://www.clearskinforever.net/milk-acne-does-milk-cause-acne/ Makes sense since acne is hormonal in most cases, and milk is filled with hormones! If you suffer from acne, or know someone who does, try the experiment and see if it helps - then write me with your results! ~Nancy.
Nancy's Blog!
October 2021